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Anything but Ordinary

Madelynne Ellis

Anything but Ordinary

Anything but Ordinary

Their ‘no strings’ affair is about to get complicated.The Sequel to ANYTHING BUT VANILLA.One disastrous marriage was all it took for Ric Liddell to give up on commitment, so when his ‘no strings’ arrangement withZach Blackwater and Kara North hits the rocks due to a plague of interfering busybodies, he retreats to what feels safe – sex, filthy sex, and even more filthy sex, in no particular order.Zach wants Ric, and not just for their connection in the sack. When his lover hurts him, he’s willing to look elsewhere for the stability he craves – and he doesn’t have to look far, because Kara’s right there.The guys are hot, and the sex is dirty, but for Kara, caught in the middle of Zach and Ric’s emotional absurdity, it’s painfully clear their threesome just can’t last. Unless they can somehow set their fears aside and accept they need one another to be whole.



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