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Heidi Rice

10 Rules to Sex Up a Blind Date

10 Rules to Sex Up a Blind Date

#WorstDatesEverAfter a nasty breakup, Tally Gladstone has no interest in anything serious. But she’s dipped her wary toe back into dating with a few blind dates–all bad…or worse. The only good thing to come out of it is a sizable following on social media. Her latest date is doomed from the get-go–he isn’t even straight. But at least he knows someone who meets her every very exacting wish#EpicHotLover?American-in-London Brent O’Neill is everything she wants–on paper. He’s hot, sexy and emotionally off-limits. Tally can play all she likes without getting burned. He’s so good in bed he’s addictive. But her millions of social media followers want disaster, not boring-ever-after. They might get their way yet–how is she going to walk away before her heart is in tatters?



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